Probadge Ltd

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Hotel Key Tags

You may think that hotels have all switched to digital cards, but there are many reasons why a physical key is still preferred:

  • Reliability: Physical keys are simple and reliable. They don't require power sources or complex electronic components, which reduces the risk of technical failures that could lock guests out of their rooms.

  • Durability: Physical keys are less prone to wear and tear compared to electronic cards, which can become demagnetized, damaged, or worn out over time.

  • Cost: Physical keys are generally cheaper to produce and replace than electronic key cards. The initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs for electronic card systems can be higher.

  • Security Concerns: Electronic key card systems can be susceptible to hacking or unauthorized access if not properly secured. Physical keys are less vulnerable to digital breaches.

  • Guest Preference: Some guests may prefer the tactile experience of using a physical key and might find them less intimidating or confusing compared to electronic card systems.

  • Environmental Impact: Electronic key cards require ongoing replacement and disposal, contributing to electronic waste. Physical keys can be reused for a long time, reducing waste.

  • Power Dependence: Electronic card systems require power sources to operate. In case of power outages or technical issues, guests might be locked out of their rooms.

With the same technology we use to produce our name badges we can produce the hard wearing acryllic key tags. The double sided key tags (the name and address details are printed on the reverse) were produced for a hotel in the Lake District with the colour matching the hotels colour scheme.